Feed Yourself: Want to stay creative? Fuel up!

This blog is all about, as the header says, writing to inspire and inspiring you to write. Sure, now and then I resort to blathering and nattering and there’s the occasional going off on tangents, but it’s mostly support and encouragement for writers and other creatives.

Why do I do it? Well, the world is quick to knock us down, critics can trash what we’ve given our lifeblood to create, and even well-meaning friends can slip up and damn with faint praise (I almost typed feint praise, which might be a better description). I’m in the build-others-up camp.

All that, plus: Doing creative work is hard. For many of us, it’s a solitary – read: lonely – endeavor. And life is short.

That’s a long-winded intro to my new Wednesday feature, and geez, it almost got depressing there. Which is not my intent. My goal is to inspire. To offer some nuggets of wisdom, a taste of humor, a morsel of reassurance.

And starting today, they won’t all be metaphors. Wednesday posts will be called Feed Yourself. Because, sure, you have creative work to do, but you also have to stay fueled up. The posts will include things like recipes, info on food prep and storage, gardening, and sample menus.

The first Wednesday of the month will be easy recipes or suggestions for easy cooking, with an emphasis on easy. Yeah, we all saw the movie of the girl who blogged about cooking her way through Julia Child’s cookbook. Cute. And the movie made our stomachs growl. But this isn’t that blog. This is about saving time and energy and still eating healthy.

First up: The appliance no kitchen should be without

The slow cooker (or crock pot) is the best thing ever invented. That might be up for debate, but not on my blog. I haven’t found an easier way to cook, unless we’re having sandwiches for supper.

Here’s what I love about it. You prepare the veggies and meat (wash, cut, season), then pop it all into the cooker, add a tiny bit of water/broth/whatever, then turn it on low and go write your bestselling novel. Or go back to bed and binge a show, it’s up to you. Roughly eight hours later, supper’s done.

The specifics on which veggies go best with which meat and the prepping/seasoning will vary depending on what you’re cooking. Here’s my favorite slow cooker recipe:

Gotta Meet My Deadlines Cube Steak


1 package (usually containing 3-5) cube steaks
1 yellow onion, cut into roughly 1/4-inch slices
4.5-oz. jar sliced mushrooms, drained
1/2 cup flour
Salt, pepper, other spices, to taste
1 packet of onion soup mix
1 cup water


1. Cut the cube steaks into strips about 1-2 inches wide. (If you prefer, you can keep the steaks their original size. I like them cut.)
2. Add the salt, pepper, and whatever other spices you like into the flour. Mix.
3. Spread the flour/seasoning onto a plate or sheet of wax paper and roll the cube steak pieces through it until the pieces are floured up.
4. Layer into the slow cooker in the following order: onions, steak, mushrooms, onions, steak, mushrooms, onions.
5. Mix the soup mix and water, then pour over all.
6. Cook on low for 7-8 hours.

Serve over cooked egg noodles or mashed potatoes.

Then go create something fabulous.

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